If you’re a lover of coconut, like myself, these cupcakes will hit your sweet spot! I’ve had these cupcakes ready to post for almost 2 weeks, and I’m so excited to finally share them with you. Usually I can function with a cold, but this time it knocked me on my butt and I was glued to my couch and forced to eat crackers and ginger ale for about 4 days straight. Not to sound melodramatic or anything, but it was the worst. Once home, on top of being cold, I was hit with one of the worst head colds I’ve ever had.

Needless to say, when I came home to my standard 15☌ hometown, I was freezing. How quickly we acclimatize. Temperatures in the mid-30’s (90s F)? Bring it on! There’s something so freeing about being able to wear a sundress from 6 in the morning to 10 at night, without needing a jacket. It was a rather lovely mini-vacation (even if it was work related) and I have to say, I adore that dry, California heat.

We spend the week in Palm Springs – yes, it was rough – and enjoyed some work chatter over lots of guacamole and beers while hanging around the pool. Last week, I went on a semi-business trip with a group of ladies from work. Seriously though… where does the time go? How is it already May? I feel like I’m still stuck in March somewhere. Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about our readers! Life just seems to have a way of flying by, with one day turning into four, and four days turning into a week. And we’re back! Port and Fin seems to have had a bit of an unplanned, unscheduled break from posting.